Hallelujah! The tide has turned and is turning, it’s the beginning of the Fulfillingness' First Finale…
Trump is well aware that the very unpopular Hillary Clinton trounced him by 2.9 million votes at the last presidential elections and that's why he started sounding the alarm, certain that there's going to be a repeat of the Democrat candidate winning the most votes this time around too. Long before Trump started prevaricating many were already speculating that if he lost in a free and fair election, he so loves the office of Potus, and such is his attachment to the power and glory of the presidency and doing his thing in the White House, that he wouldn't be willing to depart from his seat of glory down here on earth, any time soon.
Here's a partial list of Trump's greatest mistakes so far, as we all know, empathy and compassion are not his strongest or his greatest forte...
My only question is if the Biden-Harris ticket wins the day
which of Trump’s policies are they going to roll back and what changes are we likely
to see with regard to what has hitherto been the close & cozy Donald Trump –
Benjamin Netanyahu sacred love relationship?
Whoever may be thinking that the US presidential elections are
or should be a matter of concern for Americans only, had better read the editorial
in this morning’s Dagens Nyheter (written by an “independent liberal”) and
which had this bold headline:
Donald Trump hotar hela den globala
demokratin which translates
Donald Trump is a threat to the whole of global democracy
The editorial begins, "En narcissist vill sällan tror att något tillkortakommande är hans
eget fel. När nu narcissisternas konung in vita huset ser framför sig en potentiell valförlust är
det därfor inte märkligt att han redan talar om fusk och oegentligheter. Men Donald Trumps senaste
utspel är exceptionellt till och med för att komma från honom”which translates: "A narcissist seldom wants to think that when
something goes wrong it’s his own fault. Now that the king of
narcissists in the White House is facing potential defeat at the elections, it
is not surprising that he is already talking about cheating and irregularities. But Donald Trump's latest move is exceptional even coming from him” and concludes eleven paragraphs later on this sombre note :
"On Friday, military sources told
the New York Times that it is already being discussed how the US military will respond
if Trump refuses to accept the election result.
A president who lies openly and promotes suspicions about free elections, and a military which can be ordered to open fire on its own countrymen. Turkey? China? Belarus? No, that's how far Donald Trump's United States has come."
For several months
now, Dagens Nyheter has been relentless in its criticism of the US President ...
The world looks on in bewilderment at the circus that the USA has become under the Donald.
“Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned…
Certainly not Trump’s second coming to the White House or To the Lighthouse that Trump could be dreaming about.
Innocent Breonna Taylor’s body drowned in a pool of blood. Another turning point along the long road.
Is it that with
poetry or with or without a presidential decree/ executive order, you can get away with murder?
"The light shineth in the darkness and the darkness
comprehended it not” is written of Jesus, is not written of Donald J Trump although
there are those in his fanatical, rocksteady loyal base ( the 35 percenters) who
see him as their “shining light”, their ”knight
in shining armor”, certainly a blasphemy
in the ears of Trump’s dedicated enemies and I count among such principled enemies,
CNN’s trinity comprising the following three persons: Anderson Cooper, Chris Cuomo, and Don Lemon,
the archdeacon. (Trump's archdemon.) He usually wraps it all up so nicely, reasonably. Follow
their trajectory and at the very least there should be criminal proceedings
against the dude, once he leaves office or will have to go quietly, politely escorted
by the New White House Police so that the people’s latest choice can move in,
Flight-Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings came twice and J.J. was
duly baptised “Junior Jesus” by his adoring fans. J.J. – “Junior Jesus”, the man who came twice. The question
on concerned American minds is, is Donald John Trump going to come twice or is
he a one-termer at the beginning of the end of his stint at the White House and
his policy of “America First!” and Make America GREAT – again!? If
he is living his final days in the White House, almost at the end of the rope,
the questions that will soon arise, are, what is his legacy, how will he be remembered?
As the Almighty once asked Adam, “Adam, where are you?” (Martin
Buber explains, Adam is me is you is he) and there’s nothing that the Almighty
doesn’t see. The Almighty sees all that police brutality…
He’s in the White House.
I'm in the computer room.
The last time around his battle cry was “I'm going to drain the swamp in Washington DC!“
How far has he come or gone with that? Fact is, Nancy Pelosi,
Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff would like to drain him. As he himself says,
they tried to do so with one witch-hunt after the other but did not succeed. So
far, have not succeeded.
This time around, with the do or die, the do or bust President
of the United States, it’s not merely the lyrics of First we take Manhattan, for
him it’s “we gotta retake the White House”, it’s back to the White House in Washington
D.C or bust.
Such determination is legal and it’s admirable, but, there are those who have psychoanalyzed him and fear, fear that Narcissus could commit suicide or even treason if he doesn’t attain or retain his dream, because, after all, try to imagine, for just one moment forget yourself and about yourself, just put yourself in his shoes, in his dream, and try to understand that the White House is the pinnacle of attainment and achievement ( “the most powerful man in the world “ etc) and that after that everything else is anti-climax – comparatively or relatively speaking, everything else that’s below or beneath that is shit, like someone, even someone not from a shithole country or county having to go to the lavatory after a sumptuous repast, where even presidents must go and do that which even Presidents must do after self-gorging with the juiciest steaks from Texas, the finest Scotch from his ancestral Scotland, the very best of the Kosher wine from where the very best Kosher wine comes from - or the blood-red wine, cheeses from Switzerland and France, vegetarian meatball delicacies from Sweden, must go relieve himself and herself, indeed today the emperor is naked - the emperor has no clothes and just as the bard put it and he was telling the truth: “But even the president of The United States, sometimes must have to stand naked.”
Poor Camilla.
It’s either win or
lose, and at all costs, he wants to win, he always calls those who he despises “losers”
and ”suckers”
Narcissus believes that
he is the centre of the US, the White House, and the exact epi-centre of the universe.
No need to rush to conclusions because there may be some mathematical or astrophysical
truth to this perception of such a one’s own importance in the universe.
“All he believes are his eyes
And his eyes, they just tell him lies…”
(Lashon Hara? I heard Don Lemon aver that by July this year DJT had already told more than 20, 000 lies...
“Now he worships at an altar of a stagnant pool
And when he sees his reflection, he’s fulfilled
Oh, man is opposed to fair play
He wants it all and he wants it his way “ (License to kill)
The title takes its cue from Stevie Wonder's 1974 Album “Fulfillingness'
First Finale”
It’s either Nothingness’s or Fulfillingness' First Finale and I keep on hearing the refrain from the song You haven't done nothin:
“But we are sick and tired of hearing your song
Tellin' how you are gonna change right from wrong
'Cause if you really want to hear our views
You haven't done nothin'”
What would a second term Trump look like?
What would he do?
Would he get better or worse at what he does?
If he loses and has to vacate the White House, after he's gone is he going to keep quiet? Continue to tweet and twitter his ire?
I believe that if I had been president of the United States say around 2008, I would have definitely been a one-termer. To begin with, everybody in the United States, in Africa, the Caribbean, Japan, South America, Russia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cuba, Jamaica, Tibet, Taiwan, the UK, the EU, the Brethren and Sistren in Turkey, Iran, Kurdistan, Saudi Arabia, my Israeli and Palestinian friends in the Middle East, the Far East, my friends in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, the so-called Aborigines in Australia and the Maoris in New Zealand, they would have all known that Jungle Brother was now in White House, which is why I would be a one-termer since I would do all the things that I would like to do (my hand would not tire writing those executive orders.) I'm not saying that I would paint the White House Black, but I would certainly invite Dally Kimoko, King Sunny Ade, Commander Ebenezer Obey, Koffi Olomide, Polka Lengo, Caen Madoka, and Beniko Popolipo for some musical evenings. Of course, I would invite Keb Mo once again
Police Brutality? How dare you? You don't know that it's Jungle Brother Hannibal that's your commander-in-chief until further notice?
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