A few words on the political party known as Sweden Democrats (not to be mistaken for Sweden's Social Democrats.)

 So far, there has been an extreme, almost exclusive focus on the Sweden Democrats' alleged Nazi roots - as if today, all members and indeed all supporters and sympathisers of that party are the children, grand-children and great grand-children of the unholy trinity of Hitler, Himmler, Eichmann and their demons.

Do they deserve a place in the Hall/ Hell of Fame, rubbing shoulders with some of the notorious extreme right groups in the European League of anti-Semites, Islamophobes, racists and fascists?

You be the judge.

"Vengeance is Mine", saith the Lord.

Granted that The neo-Nazi roots of Sweden Democrats is no exaggeration nor is it "hate speech" to point this out, it shouldn't take more than some good sense and a little practice of good old Christian charity to disabuse ourselves of such an awful idea, that all members of the Sweden Democrats are the offspring of Hitler and his White Supremacist ideology/ theology, after all, isn't there supposed to be a place in Heaven and also in Sweden, for the repentant sinners? But have they repented? Have they, individually or collectively felt some remorse , some pangs of conscience and repented? If so, according to some preacher-man they then deserve to be referred to / warmly embraced as your Swedish brothers and sisters, albeit from different mothers. No harm in praying for their salvation either, assuming that you believe that they can be saved. Saved from what ? That's another question. Ask a pious Muslim armed with some missionary zeal and he will tell you straight off, "Saved from Jahannam, the hellfire where according to the Holy Quran, the fuel is being supplied by stones and the bones of sinners !"

Moreover, isn't xenophobic nationalism outlawed by the ideals of the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights to which so many of the so called civilized nations and their political parties, at least, pay some lip service?

Concerning the status of the Sweden Democrats in the minds and hearts of the lumpen foreign-born people still alive/ living in this country Sweden and those who are surely on their way in their thousands and tens of thousands, to seek basic refuge or fortune and fame, arriving by sea, by air and by land routes, my note of caution is that the Sweden Democrats and their popularity should not be underestimated. There are many covert Sweden Democrats , some of who are too shy to confess such leanings when approached by opinion pollsters and one of the things they have in common is that they love their country Sweden and if we we are to believe the anti-SD social media, the SD love their country and hate their enemies, their enemies in this case being "foreigners", criminals, spongers, and non-Swedes, and some of them are supposedly the kinds of people that early Malcolm X referred to as "blue-eyed devils"

Take the virulently anti-Semitic Missy B for instance, looks as ugly as sin and is a covert Sweden Democrat for sure, albeit hitherto masquerading as a lover of some real or imagined Afghan refugees that she boasts are now eating her pork chops " like real Swedes". If she's not a xenophobic Sweden Democrat why else should she - in a fit of rage suddenly be shouting at me, "Why don't you want to go back to your country?" Just because I said that I'm sure that her former fuck-buddy was "a nice guy"? And which country could she have in mind? Who told her that I have a country? Which/ Where is " my" country, if it's not Sweden? I was in Stockholm and Dalarna on a honeymoon in the summer of 1970 before returning to Ghana, and pretty much a tourist then, but today, where would she like to deport me to?

Since I'm so poorly informed about the Swedish Democrats, apart from the occasional article about them in EXPO and Gatestone Institute - and of course the almost daily gossip from the Swedish press, some of us have never met any real Sweden Democrat specimens in real life. So I called two of my great politically savvy African friends today, to ask their opinions about these our Sweden Democrat countrymen ( and women). I told friend A that I agree with Mister Åkesson completely that it should be a good thing to invest in improving the quality of governance in our African countries, so that moving to Sweden becomes a less attractive alternative and taking the risk of drowning in the Mediterranean Sea just to arrive at the shores of some milk and honey should also be less attractive. He disagreed with me, totally. He believes it's baloney about improving the quality of life in Africa so that Africans don't want to come here, not even for some " pussy" is some Apartheid and segregationist thinking. Furthermore, he does not think that there's any great difference between Kristersson and Åkesson. He thinks that they are exactly the same, that at heart Kristersson is also a Sweden Democrat, that it just happens that Åkesson is more straightforward than Kristersson, who is more hypocritical / " diplomatic". Really? "Yes", he told me, "Do you realise that Gösta Bohman ( an earlier leader of the Conservative Party) once said, "The third world countries can drink their oil and warm themselves with their sun, we can give our 0.7 % of our GNP to the poor countries as foreign aid " - and that if Åkesson said that today, they'd be calling him a "racist" and that foreign development aid is an old Myrdal idea.

They seldom mention the success story that is immigration from e.g. Syria or how much Arab, money is invested in this country...

 In the last couple of years ,the Sweden Democrats have been steadily trying to clean up their image in order to win more mainstream acceptance, by disciplining Kent Ekeroth , for example.

It's also worth mentioning that with the exception of the Left Party, to some extent, all the other political parties in Sweden have moved closer to the Sweden Democrats position on controlled immigration.

With the rise in criminality and inter-gang warfare etc., the very tough measures that the Sweden Democrats would like to see in place, means that there are areas of co-operation with the other democratically elected parties being represented in the Swedish Parliament, areas such as fighting crime, criminal justice, to name just two areas
