Cause and Effect

In Bereishit/ Genesis Chapter 18

Bereishit - Genesis - Chapter 18

Abraham pleads with the Almighty who finally concedes: “I will not destroy for the sake of the ten “


Frontpage Magazine

" The Democrat Precedent for Impeaching Trump Comes From a Racist Senator Who Wanted to Kill All Black People!"

Stop calling it an “insurrection”

Trump’s Defence Attorney in Full

Sinat Chinam

I’m writing this in anticipation of the inevitable conclusion to a process which the Democrats feel was the only alternative to doing nothing. Once again, the miserable failure of the witch-hunters to impeach Trump calls for a small celebration.

Some of America’s faithful and some of the non-denominational and non-affiliated friends have been praying ardently to The First Cause that the devil and his close allies, his wizards and witches should not succeed and that dear Trump should weather the storm and emerge unscathed. It’s either love your enemies or hopefully, the witch hunters and witch-huntresses should perish in their own dung.

Among those who regard the Holy US Constitution as sacred – although not carved in stone, many have been praying with fervent intentionality, in the spirit of the 12th Blessing of the Amidah, directed against heretics.

I'm writing this, shortly after Trump’s Lawyer has sewn it all up so succinctly, that the latitude that we are to give to the interpretation of The First Amendment cannot be overemphasized.

Hopefully, Twitter and others who have banned Trump and all those who are said to be waging war on free speech were listening closely to what Trump’s Defence Attorney had to say about The First Amendment.

Trump's address to his supporters on the 6th of January can in no way be compared to Shakespeare's Mark Antony and his funeral oration after Ceasar's asassination in the Capitol, a very structured piece of incitement which got the plebs all jazzed up and in confirmation of intent Antony could mutter to himself at the end of Act 3 Scene 2 :

“Now let it work. Mischief, thou art afoot

Take thou what course thou wilt”

After which there was much looting and burning in Rome...

Fast forward to Washington DC :

I pray for the President all the time” 

chirped the otherwise mean-spirited Nancy Pelosi,

 once upon a time, when Trump was in Office.

 Is she still praying for him all the time or is she 

now only praying for herself

and Joe Biden?

Even the Senate dog knows that “A house divided against itself cannot stand." and that more than ever, at this juncture of US history when the nation – the whole nation is terribly divided along its well known fault lines and at its many levels has been variously diagnosed as not being well, everybody knows that for the nation to be made whole again, in the holistic sense, the psyche of the nation is in urgent need of Healing and Redemption at the national level. America being a Christian country, needs prayer – prayers for national unity, not prayers for more impeachment trials for Donald J. Trump the martyr , Donald J. Trump and his more than 83  million American supporters in the United States of America  

1800 hrs. Stockholm Time.

The plot thickens.

According to the latest reports, 5 Republicans (of course, Mitt Romney one of them), all of them not necessarily members of the original gang that the stormtroopers had in mind when they invaded the capitol, ostensibly - premeditated murder – out to lynch at least a few of them as so called “traitors”, 5 (five) of them have teamed up with their pals the Democrats under the leadership of O’Biden (O’Bama of course behind the curtain, pulling Joe, as the puppet on strings). They want to call in witnesses. Line´em all up and get them all crying, yo, add to their strategy which from Day One has been an extended argumentum ad misericordiam, (they could have liquidated all of us, sob, sob) their argumentum ad misericordiam if not indeed what they accuse Trump of: an argumentum ad populum (the stolen elections etc. etc.)

Even in the age of fake news, mass media deception, the Clinton National Network etc. etc. etc., of itself the argumentum ad populum cannot be said to be a crime ? Nor are any of the more credible conspiracy theories.

True: No smoke without fire. And it’s only their own perverted sense of Justice that would like to try President Trump but not give him the opportunity of making a personal appearance at his own trial, to defend himself  or to explain a thing or two...

My impression of the strong O'Bama – O'Biden symbiotic relationship was further strengthened when I came across this comment, somewhere:

"Personally I could not care less if Sleepy Jo does or not call Bibi. What difference will it make on the ground? Jo has to understand he needs Israel more than anyone needs him.!”

My spontaneous reaction – an understanding - was and still is that O’Biden must still be following the commandments of O’Bama, following faithfully in his former boss’s footsteps like an old puppy. It must have been transmitted telepathically from the one, to the other : Looka here Joe, if you as much as call my foe, then you're on your own , buddy!”
