Black Lives Matter Awarded the Olof Palme Human Rights Prize: Good or bad?
Orchestra Baobab: Ndongoy Daara
Omar Pene - Diallo Diery
Jerusalem Center For Public Affairs (focused on Iranian prospects for some genocidal nuclear bombs, under Biden)
Frontpage Magazine (the latest edition featuring “The Biggest and Nastiest White House Liar – Ever "
Today’s topic: Black Lives Matter Awarded Olof Palme Human Rights Prize.
As you can see, the jury is still out on this one.
Even given the history of racism in the United States of America, the bottom line still is that the Police are supposed to protect and not to annihilate or decimate Black Lives. Their function as Police is to protect life, limb and property, with the awareness that just as all eyes, so too, all lives are equal, indeed, that’s the Biblical essence of “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth!”
To my way of thinking, that trajectory – the true meaning of an eye for an eye, should lead directly to compensation and REPARATIONS for the transatlantic slave-trade and its aftermath in the United States. But, what to expect under the Sleepy Joe Biden dispensation? If in his eight years sitting in the Oval Office as Mister President, Barack Obama didn’t utter a syllable about REPARATIONS, it’s improbable that Uncle Joe or an Uncle Tom like Chairman Biden, is going to do any better since he himself “ain’t black”.
All Obama himself actually did was to fly over to Senegal to tell the Brethren there that they should legalize Homosexuality in that country. One would have thought that he would have pleaded that they legalize Mary Jane, since he says that he himself “inhaled frequently “...
It is in recognition of that history of anti-Black racism in the United States and in appreciation of the fight against that particularly virulent strain of racism, that the Olof Palme Prize was awarded to The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation
What is also significant here is the international recognition and support for the movement. Have they been rewarded or awarded other Prizes in the United States? Why were they not honoured with a Presidential Medal of Freedom? How do Trump and the Proud Boys feel about Black Lives Matter being nominated for the Nobel Prize for Peace?
The pro-life Olof Palme was himself the victim of brutality – murdered in cold blood by an assassin that has still not been brought to Justice. I imagine if Donald J. Trump had been an Olof Palme, he himself would have led his supporters to demonstrate outside the capitol, just as in 1968, in Stockholm, Olof Palme led the NLF demonstration against the Vietnam War, with North Vietnam's Moscow Ambassador Nguyen Tho Chan marching besides him.
Of course, I have some difficulty imagining that if Donald J Trump had been an Olof Palme, he would have led the invasion of the Capitol to show his displeasure at what was about to happen there, namely the ratification of his rival Joe Biden as the democratically elected President of the Great United States of America. According to diverse sources it was other than Trump’s supporters that invaded the capitol, according to such sources, it was enemy forces pretending to be Trump supporters, to give Trump a bad name.
There is the everlasting discussion about the various understandings and responses to the Sixth Commandment: Do not Murder - as was the case that was plain to see on TV, the murder of George Floyd – May his soul, rest in perfect peace.
This morning, I was drawn into a discussion by a man of God, about the death penalty and had exactly this to say about crime and punishment: I too am wholly against the death penalty O man of God - as against the death penalty as Danny Glover vs the death penalty. However, last night, I followed this religious discussion : The Death Penalty
The death penalty for corruption would probably serve as a deterrent to those who are tempted to practise corruption as a way of life, to the detriment of the nation and the nation’s suffering masses.
Israel and South Africa don’t have the death penalty, thank God! In the case of Israel, if the death penalty was part of their legal system I suppose that they would have had to hang a few Palestinians for terrorism. Should post-Apartheid South Africa democratically elect a future South African president like Julius Malema I suppose that even after the Truth and Reconciliation Commission he would think that Justice should be better served by trying some of the pro-Apartheid miscreants, finding them guilty and hanging/ summarily executing them, like Adolf Eichmann, for crimes against humanity.
(However, it’s crystal-clear that the regional fallout and the international dimensions of the fallout (especially in the anti-Semitic world) would have been too much for Zionism’s apostles to weather and therefore, for such pragmatic reasons it’s just as well that Israel does not have the death penalty as part of their juridical system. Ditto, South Africa in the early years of the post-Apartheid state, because if it had been prevailed upon e.g. the saintly Madiba Nelson Mandela or Thabo Mbeki or indeed, “Bring Me My Machine Gun”, Umshini Wami Jacob Zuma to hang a few White Men, just a few, as you can well imagine, the international reaction would have been cataclysmic. Robert Mugabe didn’t do it and, for all his braggadocio and machismo, Saddam didn’t hang any Americans. Why? Because he knew that if he did, he would then be living in the Last Days, his days would be less numbered...)
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