Joe O' Biden and matters pertaining to what happens next in America.

Whatever happened to all the 21st century prophets on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural who said that they had talked to Jesus etc., and prophesied that Trump was going to be a certified winner ? Are we supposed to take them seriously or are they just another bunch of charlatans purveying fake news ?

It's like there's no time to spare. From Day One of the Biden era , it has been a flurry of executive orders Biden's USA in bed with the Paris Climate Change Agreement  should make Greta Garbo and Greta Thunberg happy; USA back in WHO, Biden stops the wall but didn't join " Stop the steal"  and most importantly Biden lifts the ban on Muslim immigration  - that should make millions of Muslims, friend and foe alike, HAPPY! 

It looks like the the Demos are good for another eight years since there's no other apocalyptic horseman of the stature of Donald J Trump on the horizon, capable of leading the elephants to victory in 2024. We can safely surmise that once Biden makes smooth the path to US citizenship for the eleven million plus “illegal immigrants”, in gratitude, in the near future, they will vote for the Democrats. And thus, slowly, slowly , the so called "White Supremacy “ nightmare , their gravest fear shall come to pass: White people will no longer be a statistical majority in the United States...

It has been eight long years of O'Bama (with no talk of reparations) then four years with Trump our tragic hero , and very finally,  or is it only temporarily, it's now O'Biden's rump in the saddle. Among the radical right and Trump's loyal base , O'Biden is already being reviled and vilified as the thief who stole a whole presidential election -  where's the math?

O'Biden is now more rock star status than his predecessor Barack O'Bama. To begin with, he's always running. He ran for president three times (as fast as his spindly legs could carry him) but these days just watch him running up the staircase to board Air Force One. Question is, why does he run? Does he have to run? Answer: It's mostly for the cameras, to show everyone that he's still as fit as a fiddle, albeit an elderly fiddle, that he is as hale as hearty as ever, and, by the way, concerning old or elder-ly fiddles, my good friend from California , he's in his eighties and likes approaching and trying to chat-up young ladies, he has ambitions and when they tell him that he's “ too old” for the job, he usually tries to convince them that “It's old violins that make the sweetest music!”and that the proof of the pudding is in the eating...

After Trump's “It's America first”, the whole world is wondering if Joe Biden is going to deviate from America First policies. Is he going to cook up some “America second “or “America next” and thereby earn himself unpatriotic epithets such as “traitor”, or worse still, is President Biden in cahoots with his much maligned son Hunter going to make concessions to “China First “ and thereby at the instigation of the Trumpists be impeached for treason?

Strangely enough, and it's not a coincidence that Kamala rhymes with Obama, there's that exotic, un- John Birch Society & non-Anglo Saxon foreign tinge about Kamala and Obama which makes them so exciting, tantalizing to the home-grown US imagination. In both cases the wary US citizens are prone to adopting a wait-and-see attitude; they waited and saw how Obama performed with the hammer , now they will have to be patient and see how soon Kamala and the proud as punch Second Gentlemen will start doing their thing in the Oval Office – whether it will be before or after O'Biden kicks the bucket...Better the devil you know, than a she devil about whom you have no idea...

At the moment with the invisible enemy still hitting hard, the US reeling under Biden is on a war- footing and Biden has no choice but to put the lives of his American citizens first, hence the stimulus package of $1.9 trillion.

I was going to say, in the name of pikuach nefesh Biden has no choice but to put the lives of his American citizens first , but then just as Pope Francis will agree, Biden's stance on abortion is quite the opposite of pikuach nefesh in the name of Jesus.

" And he knows he shouldn't kill

And he knows, he always will" 

Universal Soldier

I just heard the news that Austin has been confirmed as Secretary of Defence.

When a Black Man - a retired Black Man for that matter, is confirmed as Secretary of Defence , it means that Uncle Sam is soon going to war. Like in the Reagan years, Biden will soon be trotting over to South Carolina and Georgia to recruit some Black folks for the military. First thing he'll tell them is “ We're in trouble” and when they raise their eyebrows he'll tell 'em, “ You can make a career in the awesome US Army, just see how Brother Lloyd Austin has risen to be our Secretary of Defence!” He will probably tell them that it's the US military that keeps America safe, that we should all work for peace, but he sure won't mention Gil Scott-Heron talking about the smart bombs that scared the hell out of CNN in that Baghdad hotel!

I watched the inauguration on CNN, listened to President Biden's inaugural Address, wondered whether Donald J. Trump was doing ditto in real time, and was in agony at the point where O'Biden came to the end of his answer to his own question :

“What are the common objects we love that define us as Americans?  I think I know.  Opportunity.  Security.  Liberty.  Dignity.  Respect.  Honor.  And, yes, the truth.

I waited in vain for JUSTICE to have experienced a higher ranking in his “ the common objects we love that define us as Americans” especially after considering Benjamin Netanyahu had said previously, that “Lawlessness and violence are the opposite of the values we know Americans and Israelis cherish

Joe Biden had better establish this firmly in his head and it will stand him in good stead for future dealings with the power-brokers in the Islamic Republic of Iran: There are five fundamentals, the roots, the Usool al-Din of Shia Islam and in this order:

  1. Tawhid: The Unity of God

  2. ADL : Justice - God's Justice

  3. God's Prophets

  4. God's Imams (alaihim salaam

  5. The Resurrection  

O'Biden, harp on justice and you will be speaking the same language as the Mullahs in the Islamic Republic.

One last little thing: Just now, some of the Black and Blue folks are busy discussing apart from more food stamps, what is Massa Biden going to do for them, since they voted en masse for him. I'm wondering if he's going to do for them, that which Brother O'Bama didn't do during the eight long O'Bama- O'Biden years.

My own personal question is , apart from AFRICOM, what is O'Biden going to do for Africa ? Is he going to do what Brother O'Bama didn't do for Africa, during his eight long years in the Oval Office? 
