USA: What is, what was, what could be …
Innnocuous: What's Bin Did and What's Bin Hid
It’s one of the proverbs of Solomon:
“Do not answer a fool according to his folly
lest even you become like him.”
As in the
song, “Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lie”
According to
the latest from ISRAPUNDIT it’s not yet time to start singing “It’s all over”
According to
Frontpage Mag, all is not well: Something is rotten in the
state of Denmark (Uncle Sam): Dirty Laundry
no end in sight to this battle between the Republican elephant and the Democrat
donkeys. The two camps and the two peoples who make up the one United States of
America remain divided, but the chasm between them is shrinking because some white
uncle tom senators among the Republicans are breaking ranks even before the allegations of massive, widespread, nationwide electoral fraud have been thoroughly investigated
by some competent bodies. (My greatest fear is a race war in which the 90% Blacks who voted for Mister Biden are so easily identifiable, outnumbered and therefore most vulnerable )
Trump’s bone
of contention is that Americans should never accept a President who rigged his
way to the Oval Office – unless it can be demonstrated beyond any reasonable
doubt that Biden did not rig. More difficult than the absence of doubt is
providing all the evidence /proof of the extent of the rigging, that it was so
criminal and so vast that Trump would have won if the votes that are alleged to
have been fraudulently cast for Biden were subtracted from his final score in
Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and all the other states…
They say,
and it stands to reason – to the extent that Thomas Paine himself would agree
with the proposition that it can never be satisfactory when you commission the
Mafia to investigate the Mafia. They will never own up to doing wrong or to having
done wrong; at best they will come up with a trickle, in this case, that there
was some minor rigging here and there, in some cases an identical signature for
more than one postal vote, all of which in fact is the tip of the proverbial
iceberg. What’s been hidden = Massive. The rest of the iceberg. Massive fraud. From
the fraudsters point of view the pandemic was a God-send; once postal voting
was going to be the order of the day, the wannabes started planning well ahead,
and from the very beginning, Trump could foresee what was ahead given the
potential for mass, massive postal voting, that those who don’t normally vote would
now be sent ballot papers which would be dutifully filled and signed by the
addressee or by someone/s else, and posted. (To avoid those kinds of
complications which usually bedevil some of the world’s so-called “shithole” countries,
in November 2016, the ingenious Gambia voted with marbles – it was one man,
one marble…Maybe to avoid all future disputes, the United States should follow suit: Marbles! Emulate the example of Gambia
According to
the whole smorgasbord served in today's menu of RealClearPolitics (Tuesday, December 15, 2020) “President-Elect Joe Biden”, the president of All Americans
(including the incumbent Trump &
Pence) has some big, very big problems on his plate, some say insurmountable problems, others (Bible Thumpers) say by “The Grace of GOD” they will all be
overcome - as in the Negro Spiritual “We
Shall Overcome” and the other Negro
Spiritual that Baba Obama sang at the get-together after Rev. Clementa Pinckney
was mowed down: Amazing Grace…
In the meanwhile, Holier-than-thou Biden is preaching about democracy and pontificating, not about God or about abortion but about “the soul of the
nation” and that Trump adamantly refuses to congratulate him (Holy Joe// Sleepy
Joe) as president-elect. I don’t believe that Donald J. Trump is ever going to congratulate
Biden for stealing his presidency. Once again, let’s be reasonable. Why should
he? You know that Trump is no hypocrite. Unlike Mitch Mcconnell who just bit the bullet. As in "a man's got to do what a man's gotta do." Barnyard epithet. Sorrowful, but can't be helped.
If he ever becomes
President then it should be the duty of President-elect Joe Biden to love, to mend,
to forgive, to heal and to try to unite his fractured nation. Who says? The US pundits say. The question is, can he? Is Sleepy Joe capable of
doing that? Obama optimism once said with confidence, “Yes we can!" – not " Yes I can" but all together, Yes, WE can!"
In as far as President Trump is not and has
never been “the old colossus” if Biden is eventually inaugurated, he and the
rest of America could once again begin and continue to draw some inspiration
and sustenance from The New Colossus, the
plaque at the Statue of Liberty
“Not like
the brazen giant of Greek fame,
conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our
sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty
woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the
imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of
Exiles. From her beacon-hand
world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent
lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled
masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched
refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these,
the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my
lamp beside the golden door!”
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