Impasse: stagnation, continuity, transition, new election

Re – Trump not liking losers, and Trump not liking people who get “caught”, of course, apart from those who got caught in what’s known in the history of infamy as the Holocaust.

To some extent even Trump’s most unforgiving critics should understand Trump’s jibe about John McCain as a prisoner of war, as per this joke - in which I imagine Trump not wanting to get caught and therefore ready to run at least not slower than Private Caplin :  

“During the Vietnam War, an officer was training a group of recruits

in the tactics of attack and defence. After discussing different types

of emergency situations in which they might find themselves, the

officer asked Private Caplin, “Suppose you are alone in the jungle

and a Viet Cong guerrilla jumps out of hiding with a huge knife in his

hand. What steps would you take?”

He replied, “Huge steps, Sir – very huge steps!”

As for me, today, I’m just shuffling along, continuing from where I left off at To be, or not to be: That is the transition, albeit I’m feeling a little more contrite after reading St. Peter of Damaskos’ listings of the Virtues and the Passions (a must read if you want to know where you are on the road to holiness...

 Right now, the mother of all battlegrounds is not the Supreme Court but Georgia.

Barack Obama is campaigning for the Donkeys, virtually (and virtuously). You can be sure that 90% of the Black vote is already in the boxes, in this mother of all Black and White Elections. Some of the Elephant people have their misgivings about Brother Trump the elephant chief showing up; they are apprehensive that he might just spoil business, make things worse for them.

“Nothing' in the way, but another day

And we're gonna push it on out the way

'Cause we're doin' oh, what we know”

Sly & The Family Stone: "I Don't Know (Satisfaction)

From the Album Fresh

Phase one today: Lockdown, not yet nationwide, the US wasn’t entirely on lockdown for the Thanksgiving and Chanukah is at the end of this month of Kislev or is it likely / unlikely to be on Christmas Day when the wonderful Dolly Parton is chirping O Little Town in Bethlehem that the whole nation will be chained and stationary, locked-down, imprisoned by the government taking what the potential Joe Biden & Kamala & Faucci think are extraordinary but necessary measures in response to the havoc being caused by the invisible enemy. An impossible situation. The invisible enemy causing a nationwide lockdown cannot, should not and will not be allowed to subdue the Great American Christmas Spirit and should it be “enforced” it should be reasonable to expect some resistance, not least of all from the revolutionary Americans in ANTIFA,  the Black Radicals, BLM, the Proud Boys of Oklahoma etc to rebel because they resent government messing with their freedom of movement.

Still @ Phase One. My most reliable sources : ISRAPUNDIT and Frontpage Mag

The Joe Biden hip-hop transition trance dance. Joe making some funky moves. Or if you prefer the classical real Black dance form, then it’s Joe Biden as elegant as Fred Astaire, doing some ballroom dancing to the music of Victor Sylvester, waltzing like the Australian Matilda, and tap-dancing like the greatest African American tap dancer in the political arena, coached personally by Bomber Barack Obama: so now we see not grab them by the hussy but a flurry of new appointments – mostly women in the economy class. Sleepy Joe has long shaken off the slumber from his eyelids, is rolling up his sleeves getting ready to take over the job of commander-in-chief. (Michael Bassey, an old classmate of mine said recently, “calling Biden "sleepy" will never change the person that he is.” I agree with him. From back there in the jungle, we know that you can't teach an old dog or an old monkey new tricks.  Calling him Rip Van Winkle is not going to produce some spectacular change in Joe either. Only Jesus has been known to say with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth!”:  And he who had died came out bound hand and foot with graveclothes, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Loose him, and let him go.

I would have in mind a more radical kind of change, not necessarily of the miraculous type that metamorphoses the dead from an eternal sleep back into life but a more fundamental change of the kind that Umar Bin Hassan raps about in Be Bop Or Be Dead, concerning

“The change in the day that makes them rant and rave "Black Power, Black Power!"

And the change that comes over them at night

As they sigh and moan, "White thighs, ooh, white thighs”

 (Niggers Are Scared of Revolution

Got some old White man Joe Biden to lead them.

Not funny : Iran to increase uranium enrichment and to limit nuclear inspections

 Lastly, I just want to say this one thing:

1.     China. The very first time I got to understand that China is on another planet was when I read Mo Yan’s unforgettable phantasmagoria “Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out: A Novel” And so would you too.

Seeing is believing. The next time that I came to the same realisation was more recently after watching Reggie In China (Part 1) about China’s ultra-modern city Shenzhen, it was then that I began to realise that when it comes to technology and innovation, China is light years ahead of any country in the Wild West and anywhere else on this planet. It's a whole series : Reggie Yates in China

There’s also

 Reggie in China (part 2

 Reggie in China (part 3

 Reggie in China (Part 4

Capleton : Jah Jah City

