Quo Vadis, Donald J Trump ?
Quo Vadis?
Donald Trump’s current situation can be compared to the situation Imam Ali found himself in after some of the sahaba had decided at the
meeting at the Saqifa, that Abu Bakr should lead the Muslim community - and this, at a point when Ali was not there at the Saqifa because he was busy preparing beloved prophet Muhammad’s body
for burial. Once that announcement of Abu Bakr’s appointment had been made, it
was going to be exceedingly impossible to reverse or overturn it. (Dr. Javad Nurbakhsh said that after Islam's beloved Prophet blessed the Hereafter, the nascent Islamic community was split into three: the Arab nationalists became the Sunni, the partisans of Ali became the Shia, and the custodians of the inner - esoteric dimensions of Islam were and are the Sufi )
During the past four years, we have got to know Donald Trump
almost intimately, and it has been never a dull moment. Those who followed his
reality TV shows before he was elected president must know him even better. At
his inauguration I laid great store on the symbolism - the numerological significance
to his being elected the 45th President of the United States, the
hocus-pocus of 45= 4+5 = 9, the perfect number, to be followed by the 46th
president, 4+6 = 10 in effect = 1, which means that the 46th
president begins all over again, as the starter of a new cycle...
There’s no end to
what you could come up with if you applied gematria to Trump’s full name
and other incidents and accidents such as place of birth etc if you want to wax
astrological and other forbidden occult sciences. (Some schools of Hindu
astrology have the time of conception and not the time of birth as the starting
point of the new or the old soul's journey. If I have understood him correctly, according
to Allan Cronshaw, Donald Trump is a reincarnation of one of the original signatories
of the draft American constitution.
Donald J. Trump and not J Alfred Prufrock is our
tragic hero. Of course, President Trump is much more than that, much more than
just a tragic hero. To begin with here’s
a classic definition of who and what a tragic hero is and could be:
“So oft it chances in particular men
That, for some vicious mole of nature in them,
As in their birth, - wherein they are not guilty,
Since nature cannot choose his origin, -
By the o'ergrowth of some complexion,
Oft breaking down the pales and forts of reason,
Or by some habit that too much o'erleavens
The form of plausive manners, that these men
Carrying, I say, the stamp of one defect,
Being nature's livery, or fortune's star,
Their virtues else- be they as pure as grace,
As infinite as man may undergo-
Shall in the general censure take corruption
From that particular fault. The dram of e'il
Doth all the noble substance often dout
To his own scandal.”
So, what is Trump’s particular fault (if any?) I’d say it is that he is apolitical to the extent that he wears his heart on his sleeve.
Trump has the quality that some of us value and celebrate as
Trump is no Coriolanus, no Timon of Athens, no Hamlet, no
King Lear, no Moshe Rabbeinu, and no Machiavelli either. No monkey, no Monica,
no Sarah, no Laura, no Cuban cigar…
(aside to ANTONY) Let me have men about me that are fat,
Sleek-headed men and such as sleep a-nights.
Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look.
He thinks too much. Such men are dangerous.”
In the real drama of
Trump as Caesar we can easily identify Joe Biden as the Cassius of the piece. Another
theory of relativity thereby comes into play, Joe Biden weighing in at a meagre
72 kilos in comparison with his president weighing in at a super 146 kg and
looking a little obese, Biden could be said to have had a pre-election “lean
and hungry look”. Another power-hungry dude. Upward mobility. Hungry and thirsty.
Not satisfied with being Obama’s VP, he went for the FullMonty: P! Wannabe Kamala de Hamala by his side, she too, hungry
like a lioness or more appropriately a hungry Tamil tigress, ready to pounce on
Trump if he as much as ever dares to make a pass, a grab for her yoni and to
thereby commit suicide, kiss goodbye to the White House, commit seppuku, hara-kiri
- To die: to sleep; No more, to be on the receiving end of the full
wrath of Kali’s law, retributive justice: what goes up must come down, in
this case too, not with a bang but with a whimper…
Shakespeare’s Caesar did not submit to his wife Calphurnia’s
plea after her portentous dream which she interpreted to mean that he Mighty
Caesar should not go to the Senate on that fateful day. As boastful as Trump sometimes
is/has been but maybe not quite, at least, unlike Shakespeare’s Caesar, Trump
does not habitually speak of himself in the third person, but even if he does not fully identify as Caesar, the sentiment could be the same, and I for one can imagine Trump
tweeting this kind of threat before round one of the heavyweight bout against his
challenger Sleepy Joe Biden or his
former President Barack Hussein Obama who was also born in the USA :
“Danger knows full well that Caesar is more dangerous
than he. We are two lions litter'd in one day, and I the elder and more
What Cassius, the rival with the lean and hungry look complained
to Brutus about Caesar could in equal measure apply to Trump and the same
words could have come from the lips of a BLM spokesperson:
“Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world
Like a Colossus, and we petty men
Walk under his huge legs and peep about
To find ourselves dishonourable graves.”
From that to more serious prattle (back to going through this piece with my English teacher Michael Brunson in the lower sixth form, way
back in 1964):
First Tempter
You see, my Lord, I do not wait upon ceremony:
Here I have come, forgetting all acrimony,
Hoping that your present gravity
Will find excuse for my humble levity
Remembering all the good time past.
Your Lordship won’t despise an old friend out of
Last night we got the first glimpse into Donald J. Trump, the inner man, our tragic hero, a privileged view from this snippet, compliments of the BBC:
US election: Being with Trump the day he lost
It’s a depleted and deflated
Trump that’s revealed to us, eliciting from us some of the empathy and compassion, the human and humane qualities that he himself
is said to lack. At least we could be touched when we read this: “ As he ducked
into the side door of the White House in the late afternoon, the swagger was
Not funny. There's this cruel joke currently flying around in Washington D.C ("the swamp"):
Why can't Trump go to the White House anymore?
The answer: Because it is For Biden!
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