Re - The extra-judicial execution of Samuel Paty

Facebook asks the perennial question: What’s on your mind, Cornelius?

At this very moment, it’s the extra-judicial execution/ beheading of Samuel Paty.

Unfortunately, he did not see it coming.

R.I.P. French martyr of freedom to think - without limits - what an intellectual supposedly does, according to his fellow countryman Jean-Paul Sartre’s definition of freedomthe freedom that has that extra-special resonance in the hearts and minds of the French who proclaim liberté, égalité, fraternité!

And, a universal Liberté, égalité, fraternité is what all the oppressed people of the earth, all the Wretched of the Earth would like to see as fait accompli, from Frantz Fanon through Edward Said to the latest convert to Christianity which is supposedly “the religion of love”, the religion that preaches, “Love your enemies!

Because there are so many precedents, the possible outcome was almost predictable as an inevitability, once acquainted with the story (a social science teacher in Judeo-Christian-Muslim France using the Charlie Hebdo cartoons to illustrate his message about tolerance and “Freedom of speech” but first requesting the Muslim students in his class to kindly leave the classroom if they thought that they would be offended, so that he could go ahead and share his insight with the non-Muslim students who should probably not be offended.)

When I taught at a Muslim Institution, I overheard the Swedish Language teacher, always elegantly dressed in a three-piece suit and a bowtie (a good friend of the late King of Morocco) I overheard him suggesting to his students that just as the Christians have their Old Testament and  their New Testament, so too Islam was in need of a “New Quran” to complement the “Old Quran”.

Needless to say, there was a big palaver summit the following morning and the Swedish Language apostle had to retract his suggestion and repent.

Because we still live in a world of cause and effect, some inevitable repercussions were to be expected. It’s for the same reason that the foolhardy Lars Vilks is still in hiding.

The condolences are still pouring in for Samuel Paty.  

It's not just another murder. Nor was the murder of Lee Rigby

Hopefully, the  Muslim leaders in France will exhort fellow Muslims to abide by the laws of the country. I have tried to find a more nuanced reaction from someone like e.g. Bernard-Henri Lévy

The repugnance, the moral indignation and the moral preachments are flaring, Dagens Nyheter’s Sunday morning editorial said it all, the acolytes of Karl Popper’s The Open Society and Its Enemies must all be foaming at the mouth, it’s more grist to the mill and an unrepentant islamophobe such as Robert Spencer of  Jihad Watch, has wasted no time in publicising this latest atrocity and pumping it for all it’s worth :

Muslim Beheads Man on French Street, and Here We Go Again

Ladies and gentle men, 


It should not be expected that Muslims should respect those who insult Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala’s beloved Prophet of Islam (salallahu alaihi wa sallam)!

Nota Bene: The word intellect (AQL) is mentioned 77 times in the Quran, and as the Scottish Sheikh says in his "Letter to an African Muslim", a Muslim is by definition an intellectual”.

Therefore, in the interest of peace and love, in the interests of harmonious social relations and in the spirit of liberté, égalité, fraternité, this kind of subject matter/ topic ought to also be taught in the wild West: Those who insult the Prophet of Islam


