Eight Days to the Mother of all US Presidential Elections...
It’s eight days to the US Presidential Elections and 57.
8 million Americans have already voted.
By Election Day in 2016, four years ago, 57.3 Million Americans
had already voted.
This means that there’s really not the phenomenal increase
in pre-election day voting that the media would like us to believe is the case
this time around because of the pandemic, alleged voter-intimidation and the
option of early voting by mail…
There's this and there are the many seers and soothsayers in Sid Roth's It's Supernatural and the other so-called “prophets” who have been prophesying that Trump’s going to win the 2020 presidential Elections. Are they all going to bow their heads in shame and say that it was some demons they had been listening to if it turns out that by hook and/ or by crook/ final Supreme Court Judgement etc Trump doesn’t win in 2020?
How many of them prophesied that Trump would be struck down
like lightning by the coronavirus, in the first place? Of course, only to recover
miraculously, almost instantaneously. How many of them prophesied about the invisible
enemy, anyway? The author of Faith and Folly: The Occult in Torah Perspective warns that such people (who prophesy falsely) are just a bunch of charlatans.
At least one Orthodox Christian, Elder Ephraim did
predict "the invisible enemy":
“Elder Ephraim before his death prophesied,
that 2 months after his death, the world enters a war of
unprecedented proportions so far...
He died on 08.12.2019,
and 2 months after the World False Pandemic is declared i.e.
war with the invisible enemy.
He said:
′′ Many difficult days are coming. Pay attention to your
soul. Unite and put yourself in a feat. Elder Ephraim came out of isolation.
God answered him. The old man begged God to extend time, but God said the
Antichrist is on earth and that it all begins this year.
Our time is timed. A difficult year and danger awaits us
during our stay on earth. The angry Satan wants to swallow us and take us to
hell. The merciful man will save himself and avoid his teeth and ascend to
Year by year the situation has deteriorated. More and more
there are sinners and prostitutes, sin multiplied.
Such condition cannot last and God's Court will come. So, we
must hurry to help our neighbour to love and love them.
We have to help our loved ones, but also our brothers and
sisters in Christ, helping them in their pain and suffering.
We are certainly protected if we are under the protection of
the Holy Mother of God, and we are in danger if we live under the yoke of
constant sin that is currently on the rise in the world."
Elder Ephraim Philotejski (Arizona, Moraitis) is a spiritual
child of Joseph Isihast who wrote about his spiritual father in the wonderful
book ′′ My Life with Old Man Joseph…Source: Trust the Fathers
And some other
Fathers have talked about the upcoming Third World War
Of course, the likes of Zion’s longest-serving Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu & some of his Arab allies must be praying
ardently that their man in the White House will be victorious, so that together
they can gang up to wage war on the Islamic Republic of Iran; but
The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men
and maybe the Almighty has other plans and will more incline
His ears to the prayers of Democrats such as Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan
Abdullahi Omar, and I suppose Pope Francis’ newly appointed African-American Cardinal Wilton Gregory, by which token Pope Francis is making a statement
about the prior racial imbalance in the Catholic Church in the United States,
with regard to the distribution of cardinal appointments. It’s also a bold
choice, since the former Bishop Wilton Gregory of Washington, had roundly criticized
his President Trump for that photo op he did, advertising his own piety by
holding up a copy of the Holy Bible, outside St. John’s Episcopal Church on Pennsylvania
Avenue, in Washington D.C.
Of relevance: I
watched this interesting video last night: African-American finds the Orthodox Church
Suffice it to say that even this appointment of USA’s first African-American
Cardinal does not auger well for Trump when you consider the fact that Joe Biden is a Roman Catholic, just like
Trump’s good lady friend Nancy Pelosi who prays for him “all the
time”, prays “ Lord hear my prayer and let my cry come unto Thee”, and I
suppose that like the good Field and Jungle Negro she prays that Trump
will lose the next presidential election so that she can shout, “Begone thou Republican Elephant, and good riddance !”
This is no joking matter, considering that the Roman Catholic denomination is the largest
religious denomination in the United States, 51 Million souls. It matters not
so much whether or not Biden is a lapsed Catholic, Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
came for sinners, and by definition, a Catholic is a Catholic, whether saint or
sinner, Pope or Cardinal, and at the end of the day you shouldn’t expect
Benjamin Netanyahu to join the Arab League unless of course, he has first embraced
- fully embraced the Palestinian cause, nor should we expect him to be praying
that Biden-Harris should defeat his Dearest Donaldo…
It’s big news and a big surprise
that it’s so late in the day that the first African-American, Brother Wilton Gregory of the United States is being appointed a Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. Surprising, when we bear in mind that African Americans are Africa’s
intellectual leaders in almost all fields and are to be counted in great numbers
in the upper echelons of achievement and distinction in all spheres from music and
the performing arts, oratory, poetry, through all the sciences, philosophy,
spirituality, and the struggle for Justice and Equality. And yet I'm sure that unlike the Rev Jeremiah Wright, the Vatican's Cardinal Gregory is no fan of Liberation Theology
It’s all the more amazing when you consider the number of cardinals that have been previously appointed in Africa South of the Sahara, perhaps because apart from the Vatican’s rapprochement with Islam (partly facilitated no doubt by Hans Küng and his seminal (and therefore influential) 765-page book; Islam: Past, Present & Future, how else do we explain the Vatican's cosy ecumenical relations with Islam, which I'm sure is of mutual benefit to both, the Vatican being the Vatican and Islam being what Islam is.
The Roman Catholic Church has made
some accommodation to local African cultures - I think that the term is “
Contextualization”, when the Bible finds itself in a new cultural location and
has to be slightly adjusted for relevance and meaning so that for instance I
met my good friend Robert Feely (Polish-American Roman Catholic) at a Roman Catholic Christening
ceremony here in Stockholm in which the liturgy was conducted not in Latin but in Igbo ( language
); whereas the Anglican Missionaries got
firmly established in Yoruba-land in Nigeria, the Roman Catholics scored big time among the Igbo, I was going to say “among the fanatical Igbos“ among whom I lived and worked, 1981-1984
– and recall vividly how in early 1981 I was carried bodily by some of the
aforementioned fanatics belonging to the so-called “Assemblies of God” ( a Pentecostal
Movement) for a full immersion baptism in the river at Umuahia. Those were
some good old days …
Years later, today there’s the Vatican’s on-going rapprochement with al-Islam,
which does not obviate the fact that there is some kind of rivalry, spiritual warfare
going on between Roman Catholicism and Islam in Africa, purportedly, to win the
souls of Africans and it’s a fact that this slow war which has been going on
for centuries is gradually being won by Islam – in Africa and elsewhere, because
of some very fundamental reasons such as those advanced by Edward Wilmot
Blyden in his magnum opus, “ Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race” in which Blyden though he remained a Christian, argued
that Islam was much better suited for Africans, his main argument being, to use
an Arabic word that is essential Islamic vocabulary, fitra and that includes polygamy which some argue,
heart and instinct is culturally and
soulfully closer to the African Human Being. After the Blyden era, there have
been all the righteous and self-righteous arguments that have associated Christianity
with Racism, the Transatlantic Slave Trade, Apartheid and Colonialism, not to
mention Mister Hitler and the Holocaust. So Cardinal Gregory will be competing
with Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation Islam for the souls of our
American Brethren and Sistren who are now singing in the Southern Baptist
Choir, hymns such as “When the Saints Go Marching In"
I should like to continue
but this is intended as a five-minute read
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