Concerning national unity and what Brother Obama said recently at Philadelphia (City of Love)

And the American racists know that they can rule the African in America, the African-American in America, only as long as we have a negative image of ourselves.” (Negative image of ourselves by buying into Donald Trump's shithole country shit)

I’m not writing this five minutes read with all its imperfections, in order to get any “likes” on e.g. Facebook. Whatever I write privately/ poetry or in public is only part of a vast meta dairy which includes loving, momentarily remembering God, some reading, some thinking, talking, praying, listening to music, maintaining a diary form of note-taking. So, if I’m asked, say on the Day of Judgement and my memory serves me right, I can always give a reliable account of some thoughts, words and deeds. Hopefully, what I say also adds up to my total output of good works / good words and hopefully too, the good and the well-intentioned by far exceeds the bad, and the heart where God lives and loves is not a place for hate. I decided all this a long time ago, circa 1970, after reading some of the diary entries of Birgitta Trotzig (not Anais Nin, not even Rilke, back then)

On the Day of Judgment when the True Judge asks me, “Who are you?”, assuming that I can speak at all, standing there trembling before the Throne of Mercy, I know that I’m not going to be beating my chest and saying, “I am your secret Rabbi X  “ or  “I was the 49th President of the United States of America !”

Which reminds me, I accompanied my Better Half to some sort of closed quarters political meeting sometime last year, sitting at the round table, some big shots there, former finance minister etc, they all introduced themselves, “ Secretary of Trade “, “Mr Big”, "Chief Bear", "Great Viking ", etc, and I was getting apprehensive as it would soon be my turn to introduce myself and I was thinking that perhaps I should just tell them, “ I am a humble fellow human being, originally from Africa, thank God", but when my turn came for self-introduction – and I could feel the fog of curiosity hanging in the air, I found myself saying, “ Jag är Ebbas försvarsminister” ( I'm Ebba's Minister of Defence) which should have been understandable enough, since Swedish men, including great Swedish men generally refer to their wives as “Regeringen” ( “The Government” ). I guess that’s as apolitical as I am...

The Coronavirus, “the invisible enemy” is still on the rampage in Sweden and in the United States; ideally the United States would be united against their common enemy, the invisible enemy which does not discriminate but treats everybody equally when it comes to attacking American citizens. As Trump himself will testify, even the Mighty Trump was not spared, but thank God, he has recovered and is as he says, “feeling great!” Feeling great again. Hallelujah! He has just voted, for himself of course, in Florida, just outside his private club Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, after which he could not resist the temptation but succumbed to it, voicing once again his objection to mail-in voting, discrediting it as unreliable...

Right now, the United States is not that united is not as united or as unified as China which does not have these big, costly and divisive presidential elections every four years; right now Nigeria is not terribly united either, it’s 845 days to their next presidential elections and just in the last two weeks 69 Nigerians have been killed protesting police brutality ( black on black) and in reaction to these massacres Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari's main request to his nation is that they exercise “patience and understanding”.  In the meanwhile, Boko Haram continues on their rampage - with impunity - an impunity that some are beginning to suspect is some kind of undeclared immunity….

Brother Obama speaking:

They understand that protest on behalf of social justice isn’t un-American. That’s the most American thing there is. That’s how this country was founded, protesting injustice. They understand we don’t threaten our political opponents threatening to throw them in jail, just because we disagree with them.” (Brother Obama said this at Philadelphia –  said this in passing, and by “they” he was referring to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris)

That seemingly innocuous statement standing alone or lifted from its given context raises eyebrows, raises many questions which need to be re-examined and should only provoke further discussion.

Malcolm X poignantly pointed out, with reference to the Pilgrim Fathers whose Mayflower docked at Plymouth Rock on December 26, 1620, “We didn't land on Plymouth Rock, the Rock was landed on us!”

“Democracy don't rule the world

You better get that in your head

This world is ruled by violence

But I guess that's better left unsaid” (Union Sundown)

It goes without saying, that first of allThis countrysuperimposed itself on the indigenous Native American nations, most of who were exterminated, and the rest of whom were/are incarcerated within the confines of reservation cultures.

By “this country” Brother Obama is obviously referring to the nation’s Golgotha journey from a nation originally founded on slavery, through the Founding Fathers to Abraham Lincoln, Civil War (1861-1865), the abolition of Slavery in the United States in 1865,  followed the Civil Rights Struggle (the 1950s -1960s) to the current dispensation that democratically elected Barack Hussein Obama first Black President of the United States, so that on that evening we all saw big tears rolling down the cheeks of the Rev Jesse Jackson as he beheld Brother Obama declaring, “ Change has come to America!”

It’s Brother Obama’s cool “That’s how this country was founded, protesting injustice” that’s most problematic, because it doesn’t tally with any known historical record that would testify to any such truth. I’m sure that Hitler the dean of Aryan White Supremacy and the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan would disagree with that kind of sentiment

Whilst Obama may be raving about Joe Biden & Kamala Harris, Trump is still boasting, “My Admin has done more for the Black Community than any President since Abraham Lincoln!"
