Quo Vadis, America?

A good place to start: the old matter of bad things happening to good people 

followed by "The Interrogation of the Good" by Bertolt Brecht

The election is sure getting nastier. Biden, the anti-Trump media, the Clinton National Network inter alia, has hit a new low: They falsely accuse President Trump of having called fallen American soldiers "suckers" and “losers" knowing full well that President Trump who loves the forces, adores the veterans, would never say such a thing. Trump’s enemies are in despair of the overwhelming support that Trump has from those in uniform and so, “ by any means necessary” - by hook and by crook they want to make a dent in that support - and this is what the liars do – they tell their lies and study the effects of those lies. In this case they want to make the lie “credible” by quoting what Trump said about John McCain, that he was “a loser” (McCain lost to Barack Obama) and understandably Trump was not in love with McCain his rival which is why he grudgingly refused to acknowledge McCain as a full-fledged war hero, saying that Mc cain’s claim to fame as a war hero is that he became a prisoner of war  “because he got caught” - not that he was a war hero of the type who is awarded the Victoria Cross for bravely gunning down a few Germans or even a lesser decoration for diving into the sea (as my Scottish stepfather did) to save some fellow combatants who had been shot down…

Jesus had some very strong words for liars: “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Time to listen to Jefferson Airplane - Good Shepherd

As Joel Osteen joked this morning. “Jesus saves

Then, why is the Great United States not the most peaceful place on the planet?

One reason could be that Christian America does not take Romans 13 seriously:

“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.  For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience. This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honour, then honour. “

In the current circumstances Lincoln’s "House Divided" Speech of 1858 also has to be taken more seriously

It’s 58 days to the US presidential elections and the US is already at a very dangerous crossroads. The contending parties and peoples are on a collisions course, the house is divided, all sides are armed, the confrontations between the people and law enforcement are multiplying, the confrontations  – demonstrations, the peaceful, and not so peaceful protests, vandalism, looting and burning continues without let-up at many volatile locations scattered through the United States. The rage in some places is augmenting and gaining momentum, there will be more explosions, shootings, bloodshed, it’s the beginning of what could end up as a mighty implosion. Some of the optimists say it’s the birth pains of the new nation. Hopefully, bang or whimper, Trump whose presidential finger is very near and has access to the nuclear trigger won’t end it all in despair  -  it’s both a philosophical and a practical  possibility to be sanely feared, when you think that the way out for Samson was not hemlock – he used his last strength to bring it all down on everybody…

It’s 58 days to the US presidential elections and every tenet of Lashon Hara is being violated in the US political space. Libel, slander, character assassination, vilification and moral degradation is the daily routine of President Trump’s implacable enemies. The “one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all" is visibly disunited and is dangerously divided among those who are fighting for the practical fulfilment of “liberty and justice for all”

Some of the media say that it’s the Democrats that are fanning the flames and feeding the fire and the fury. This cannot be wholly or convincingly dismissed; it seems to be a plausible formula: make America ungovernable during Trump’s watch and blame the lawlessness on him. It seems to me that at the moment the lawlessness in question is very anti-Trump, especially when Trump is being accused of being at the helm of the repression/ suppression / oppression of Black People and black voters and  is even being identified as the commander-in-chief of police brutality. It is lamented that as commander-in-chief he does not make a dramatic announcement, pen a drastic executive order that would immediately appease all the people demonstrating peacefully or otherwise : that there will be an immediate termination of any Police who commits murder, that there will be an immediate investigation of all such murder cases, the perepetrators will be brought to juistice, and that there will be a complete reform and overhaul of the existing rules of engagement being employed by the trigger-happy policing. So, why doesn’t Trump take these kinds of necessary action NOW? After all, what more can Biden & Harris promise to do, if not that?

A kindly word of caution to all the miscreants: It was Sinat Chinam that was the base cause of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. Sinat Chinam is capable of destroying whole nations, civilisations, empires and no one should believe that due to some notion of “American exceptionalism”, the people of the United States are exempt from the destructive power of Sinat Chinam.

Where is the love?

This is  Sinat Chinam at work : The hate-filled, hate-infested anti-Trump media is in overdrive ascending to the brightest heavens of negative invention and hell-bent, simultaneously already plumbing the lowest, darkest depths of Satan’s kingdom from where they continue to dredge and scavenge their latest, filthy, diabolic, foul-smelling, vicious, vacuous lies, their crazy, evil distortions,  inflicting on the American Nation Under One God,  their inglorious media interventions. Of course, in their own defence the media devils, not least of all in “the Atlantic”, they do not appeal to the 9th Commandment: “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour!”,  because they know that would be an oxymoron to have media demons quoting scripture on behalf of their own guilty behinds ; instead, they take refuge under the  1st Amendment – which is supposed to give them cover & a free reign for whatever brilliantly evil concoctions, they are free to concoct  before God and man. The 1st Amendment neither guarantees nor protects the truth. Among other things, the 1st Amendment also inspires Lucifer once an angel of light, and he too can quote, abuse and misuse the USA’s sacred constitution just as he can quote, abuse and misuse the Bible as he did when he provoked, harassed and tempted Jesus for forty days in the wilderness.

This is all  the astounding, living theatre of the avant-garde, the absurd, the unbelievable and the politically bizarre. Those of us living far from the scenes of the crime shake our heads and worry that in the next ninety days, the US will be in the  abyss.

I don’t believe a single word of the ill report about President Trump desecrating the sacred memory of American martyrs, an ill-report which they want innocent readers to swallow hook line and sinker, as their "Gospel Truth”...

Consider : There is a scientific explanation of this separation: the barrier between freshwater and Seawater

There are no such natural barriers between the various peoples who make up the melting pot that is a nation under One God. We are supposed to live in peace and harmony , in peace and tranquility 

As Chairman Arafat put it,

The peace of the brave  

Not the peace of the grave

In So Jah Seh, Bob Marley asks the question:

 “Cause puss and dog, they get together

What's wrong with loving one another?

Puss and dog, they get together

What's wrong with you my brother?”

