O me miserum

China vows to increase their stockpile of nuclear warheads from 200 to I,000 in the next ten years.

Time to Make America Great Again! 

In the next ten years, neither Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris will be president of the United States.

In our current world without end Amen, although it’s India that is the most populous democracy, India is never advertised as the world’s greatest democracy. We also hear a lot of talk about Israel, that I Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, that Israel is thriving like a human rights oasis in the deserts of the otherwise oil-rich & despotic Middle East.

But, if area-wise  (twice the size of the Gambia) and population-wise (9.2 million souls), Israel is not that great, how then do we measure greatness?

It’s a difficult question.

By which measure/ criteria did the impious Christopher Hitchens decide or arrive at the blasphemous conclusion that “God is not Great”?

When the book finally came out, I feared that it would generate a fiery fatwa from somewhere in the volatile Middle East, a fatwa calling for Christopher Hitchens’ head to be delivered on a platter, as happened with John the Baptiser known in Islamic circles as Prophet Yaya, the martyr. But the fatwa was not forthcoming, perhaps because Hitchens had said "God"; if he had said that it was "Allah" that is not Great or Akbar, that would have been a different matter altogether.

So, which country is really the world’s greatest democracy? If it is the United States, is that the deeper meaning to her current president’s avowed ambition “to make America great again”? Probably not, because that would imply that democracy had been lost in America, and only by restoring the democracy that had been lost would he be making the United States of America GREAT, AGAIN! 

Fact is, some critics are saying that the USA is tottering at the brink of the abyss, that democracy is in danger in the USA and that no matter who wins and no matter who loses, there’s going to be plenty of trouble, after the 3rd of November this year, come what may, that if Biden wins then the Confederate Flag will be raised, their deposed statues, plantation owners, generals and supporters will all resurrect and the Supreme Court will be hearing Trump’s petition - and if Trump  WINS, then the Radical Left, ANTIFA, the anarchists, the anti-Christs, the communists, the God-forsaken and the homegrown domestic terrorists will be rioting, burning, looting and seriously engaged in running street battles, clashing with the military and the armed Police in every major city between New York and the Golden Gate, that Joe Biden himself will either be personally leading the long march to Washington or appealing for calm and respite from violent death and destruction. Hypocrite. If this happens, I doubt that Trump will say that there are "very fine people" on both sides 

Hillel the Elder famously asked, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And being only for myself, what am 'I'? And if not now, when?”

I guess there’s no harm in asking that simple question  once again:  “If not now, when?” - O freedom! 

Being of the political colour Black, naturally, in the interests of self-preservation, Black Lives Matter is about us the distinctively darker species being threatened daily with execution and extinction

“But there's the joker in the street

Loving one brother and killing the other

When the time comes and we are really free

There'll be no brothers left you see” (We People Who are Darker Than Blue)

As you know, we the endangered species are very special. You (blue eyes) can’t see us in the dark, that’s why. Just like Mister X advised, one time, “Wait until it’s dark when no one can see you; then you go up to him, and you introduce yourself…

Police brutality in the United States didn’t start yesterday;  circa 1962: Malcolm X on Police Brutality

America First, says Trump the President of all Americans

3rd September 2020: Kamala Harris is hanging like an albatross around Joe Biden’s neck.

With bated breath, the whole world ( including Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Africa) is following the events leading up to the US presidential election when all the US citizens who are eligible to vote will be choosing their leader," the leader of the free world” for the next four years. However, since it’s being speculated that if Biden wins, he will not complete his first term, it means that some people are undecided as to whether they should vote for Kamala Harris or Trump. This is particularly distressing when you consider that Biden is promising to do what he didn’t do during the eight long years when he was Barack Obama’s super vice president. And now he wants a third term. If you have any doubts about what mainstream Black America thinks of Kamala Harris then listen to Cornel West sounding off last night on al Jazeera, in The Bottom Line.

The United States is on display for the whole world to see. And the whole world is now watching, in dismay, as this is gradually turning out to be the nastiest election in the history of the USA.

 “Nasty “is an adjective often used by President Trump, to describe some people that he does not like. The whole world is in dismay, and some of the world is worried that a civil war / all hell might break out after the election results are announced.

Let us pray 
