

All my troubles seemed so far away

Now it looks as though the invisible enemy COVID-19

And all the immigrants from everywhere

Are here to stay

Oh, I believe in yesterday.


I'm not half the man I used to be

Like the sword of Damocles

There's a shadow of the COVID-19 hanging over me,

Oh, yesterday came so suddenly.


Love was such an easy game to play

Now I need a place to hide away (lockdown, self-isolation)

Oh, I believe in yesterday…

Yesterday, I read  Björn Wiman’s Sunday Chronicle, ”QAnon och Khaybar  - överallt ekar hatet mot judarna” ( QAnon and Khaybar – the hatred of Jews echoes everywhere ) on the culture pages of Dagens Nyheter (conspiracy theories going back to the alleged Protocols of the Elders of Zion that there's a Jewish conspiracy to take over the whole world etc etc etc) and I was pleasantly reminded of the good old days when John McCain’s running mate, his vice-presidential wannabe Sarah Palin thought that Africa was a country and that North Korea was an ally of the United States. Indeed, the very first paragraph of Wiman’s piece read as follows (my rough translation from the perfect Swedish):

“Do you remember Sarah Palin?

The Governor from Alaska who was the Republican candidate for the post of vice-president in the 2008 election. She was the one who thought that Africa was a country and understood North Korea to be an important ally of the United States. “

That was the extent of McCain’s running mate from Alaska with regard to her knowledge of world geography and American foreign policy. She probably thought or thinks that Alaska was or is still part of Russia. What I remember most about her is that some French comedians phoned her, impersonating France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy. It was a romantic moment for Sarah Palin, there she stood, probably in her underwear, gushing as her feet became wobblya far cry from Trump’s Vice President Mike Pence whose feet are stationed firmly on the ground, who knows that North Korea has a few unfriendly missiles that are not at all allied to those of the United States, that Switzerland and Sweden are two different countries, that there are 54 countries in Africa , that Iran is not an Arab country and is not in Saudi Arabia.

About McCain-Palin, as the song text goes (Judy blue eyes) -

Don't let the past remind us of what we are not now

Talking about nostalgia, Joe Biden must also be looking back wistfully - with nostalgia for yesterday and yesteryears when as deputy sheriff he had his much younger Brother Barack Obama by his side to steady his hand and to ensure stability, a sense of purpose, and direction. Nostalgia is what a man has when he is long past the retirement age, but still wants to carry on, like the late Robert Mugabe, the only difference being that Biden is not going to answer the same question in the same way that Mugabe (“King Bob”) is believed to have done...

 Well, here's a parody (satirical) of a debate between VP Joe Biden and VP Sarah Palin 

The real thing: The Trump-Clinton presidential debates 

For now (no nostalgia) Biden should cheer up because (1) The Prophet Moses became a prophet when he was eighty years old!  (2) The latest opinion polls are looking horrible ( Trump's point of view - fake polls) because he (Sleepy Joe Biden) is leading Trump by more than six points overall, in all of the latest opinion poll (3) His (Biden’s) brave and bold message is gaining traction, I listened to him on CNN – speaking from Delaware two hours ago (nostalgia) that the problems facing the people of the United States are four: the pandemic, the economy, climate change, white supremacists

It’s 50 days to the 3rd of November, much is going to happen between now and then, and may the best man win.  I’ll be following what’s goin' on at RealClearPolitics  

