In US politics in particular, there are no saints, there are only sinners

According to the Bible, there is none righteous, and that includes everybody, even you...

In recent years the closest the USA has come to having a saint in the White House was with the election of President Barack Obama, and I don't have to qualify this with an " in my humble opinion" when it is I who am writing this. I was mostly afraid that they were going to send some Monica on him and that that would be the end of Bigger Thomas occupying the Oval Office or the oval orifice. Forever. Don’t ask me who “they” are. Maybe they did or maybe they didn’t send a Monica on him; maybe they did send a Monica on him, or in fact several Monicas but even if  as the Bible says, "the flesh is weak", the president prayed every day, “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”.

Maybe the president didn’t pray every day. Maybe, as the good catholic that she is Nancy Pelosi prays as she says, “I pray for the president all the time!

I suppose that she also prays for her Sleepy Joe Biden. I don’t pray for any guy called Joe, but I used to pray for Barack Obama, occasionally, especially that the devil should never prevail over him, however, after he was awarded the Nobel Prize For Peace he took off on a new trajectory: drone strikes. The less said about that his new propensity, the better. 

Some Africans are even bitter that he took out Gaddafi.

About the communism cum socialism scare, well, there was Brother Obama’s former pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright  - no saint - who infamously prayed, “God damn America! perhaps due to his roots in Black Liberation Theology…

I assume that whereas I approached the confided contents of this anti-Biden piece below with some anxiety, some of the fanatical Trump loyalists, including some of the alleged white supremacist saints and wizards who understandably after eight long years of Black Obama occupying the Oval Office wanted to paint the White House White again, to restore it to its original whiteness and thereby, in their own eyes, to make America Great again, they must have all approached this anti-Biden piece with the expectation that their contempt for Mr. Biden, albeit white, would be vindicated:

Media Buries Biden’s Troubling Past To Cast Him As A Saint

Saint Joseph, I presume, in person. Saint Joseph de Biden would not be such a bad honorific title after all, and I say this bearing in mind that my favourite biographer of David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister is no other than Robert St. John  - and his Ben-Gurion is certainly not portrayed as a saint; Ben Gurion is portrayed as a very down-to-earth pragmatist, not particularly holy, a hardcore realist; moreover, there is no cult of saint worship or veneration of saints in the Hebrew Faith, not only that,  since Israel  is not a theocracy (like the Islamic Republic of  Iran) there’s little chance of the  Sephardic or Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel, as a paragon of virtue, righteousness and holiness, jumping into the political cauldron  - the political arena in Israel with the aim of being elected the next kosher prime minister or "Supreme Leader" of the Jewish State. That is as unlikely as the prospect of the Archbishop of Canterbury looking forward to trying his hand at shepherding his flock from  the precincts or holy see of  number 10 Downing Street, a one-termer stint as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and like John the Baptiser, preaching to the nation, “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand … You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?” etc etc etc…

Until I saw the actual text, I used to hear the bard whine, “ How come you got someone like him to be your god?” but in fact, the song text goes, “How come you get someone like him to be your guard?

Saint Biden is doing his bidding in person. 

On page 215 of Ben-Gurion in person according to Robert St. John:

To one Jerusalem reporter who asked for an interview he sent this reply:

“I do not give interviews to journalists (a) because I am a journalist myself and whatever I say to the public I do so in my own way, and (b) the first reason is sufficient”

If only President Trump or his press secretary could have replied in like manner to Bob Woodward’s request to interview Mr. president; because, sadly, what we see happening now in the United States is a spate of publications none of them in the hagiography genre, all of them with this express purpose only:  to tar and feather the sitting president as a wanton sinner

