Concerning the suspension of hostilities and the most sensitive peace in the Middle East

Peace, like a river 

Facing reality and putting it mildly:

Gonna raise me an army, some tough sons of bitches

I'll recruit my army from the orphanages

I been to St. Herman's church and I've said my religious vows

I've sucked the milk out of a thousand cows!” (Thunder on the Mountain)

The mountain in question of course is Mount Sinai

There is this Torah injunction: Seek peace and pursue it

There is the Priestly Blessing, the Birkat Kohanim 

St Paul talks about “ the peace of God that surpasses all understanding “

There's the peace that Chairman Arafat recommended

 ” The peace of the brave

Not the peace of the grave!”

And verily, according to Andrew Marvell,

“The grave’s a fine and private place,

But none, I think, do there embrace.” (To His Coy Mistress)

Peace, of course, they tell us is not merely the absence of war. Just as there are all kinds of war  including what’s known as “the cold war”, so too there are all kinds of peace: There’s Aaron David Miller’s “The Missing Peace”, there’s the hot peace, like a hot piece, as the witty Beatles say, happiness is a warm gun,  so too there’s a hot momma - you think Camilla Harris – you merely think of her or about her or look at her and you (not me) have already committed a big sin, you’re already in bed with her, just as Israel is in bed with the United Arab Emirates & Bahrain and they call it “normal-i-sation!

There are truces and peace treaties such as the treaty of Hudaybiyyah

There’s also what’s known as a cold peace (not at each other’s throats, merely a suspension of hostilities to be resumed without warning any time later when you are more fully prepared to overcome any kind of resistance that he, she or they can come up with. There are other definitions to be found here where peace is defined. Peace: noun."In international affairs, a period of cheating between two periods of fighting."

That’s why one of the most worrying signs of the times is that since the last war, the Arab nations that surround Israel  have been gradually increasing their stockpiles of dangerous weapons, by now trillions of dollars’ worth of them, some of them ostensibly to fight Iran (because they can’t think of anything more Islamically worthwhile than that and to do so they say costs expensive shit.

Today it’s Trump’s best friend Prince Salmantomorrow it’s Erev Rosh Hashanah and a few weeks later you read in the Torah, Shemot/ Exodus 1: 8 this verse that says it all: And there came a new king who knew not Joseph” …

The signing of the normalization accords on the lawn of the White House was not a solemn occasion – what we all witnessed on TV was a joyful occasion, more of a celebration, a triumphant Netanyahu, smiling, beaming, overjoyed…

This was preceded by years of wrangling and fear-mongering no doubt, legendary sexed-up Israeli  intelligence  supplied  to some of the most fearful Gulf people – all in the spirit of divide and rule - that  Iran has some dangerous intentions towards them – just like the sexed-up British intelligence reports about Saddam's alleged weapons of mass destruction and the many paranoid hours of UK reports on weapons of mass destruction.

The fact is that if you take a look at the map of Eretz Israel you will find that Iran is not on that map.

Lastly, some people are asking, and normally, their questions, misgivings, suspicions should be allayed by sound answers, in view of the Encyclopaedia Judaica’s position on Islam’s Prophet Muhammad (salallahu alayhi wa salaam) in view of certain Quranic injunctions, Quranic verses on Muslim - Jewish relations and in view of  the last wishes of Islam’s greatest prophet to rid the Hejaz of any Jewish presence, how should the normalisation occur when the Palestinian people are still in bondage, oppressed, suppressed, discriminated, separated, incarcerated, and how can the normalisation occur  before  the advent of the Mahdi (alaihi salaam), the return of Jesus, or the appearance of the so-called Jewish Messiah, who according to rumours is already here?

"Yes, 'n' how many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free?
Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn't see?"
"Yes, 'n' how many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, 'n' how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, 'n' how many deaths will it take 'til he knows
That too many people have died?"

 Leon Thomas: Prince of Peace 

