“And the first one now will later be last for the times they are a-changin'”
The Trump presidency is constantly being compared and contrasted
with that of the man he refuses to praise: the cool, calm, collected, charming and charismatic
President Barack Hussein Obama, the First African- American President, the historic
two-term President of the United States who was awarded the Nobel Prize for
Peace at the very beginning of his first term.
As we all know, the Nobel Peace Prize is something that Trump is hankering after and there is a distinct possibility that Trump could be announced the winner on October 9th this year, which tidings should cause him great joy and improve his chances against his rival Joe Biden, considerably. Trump would if he could move Heaven and earth to win this most coveted trophy that his distinguished predecessor President Barack Obama was awarded. It's worthwhile to observe that Trump has a good chance of eventually being crowned with the Nobel Prize for Peace – for the erstwhile elusive peace in the Middle East, even if at the moment the way that things are going with the racially induced violence in the United States, there’s very little chance of Trump being awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in his the United States, and as he himself knows, the saying goes, “charity begins at home”.
If Trump isn’t re-elected, he should only have himself and
the COVID-19 to blame.
There’s a lethal combination of very down-to-earth factors
that would have contributed to his defeat which he can smell already, hence the noises
that he is making already, well in advance, that if he loses not only will he not be going –
riding into the sunset quietly, he will not be going at all. By which he probably
means that he intends to make The White House his permanent residence, and, since
some of his supporters would like to see him continue as US president for ”twelve
years more” and to hell with what the Holy United States Constitution stipulates
, it looks like for Trump it’s a matter of “ till death do us part” - i.e. only if and when he dies does he and
the First Lady depart from the White House, back to Trump Towers, or some other
palace as their residence. In other words, he would like to be president for life
- or almost for life, like his good friends Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, Ali Khamenei,
the Supreme Leader of Iran, and the late Robert Mugabe the King Bob of Zimbabwe…
When Trump says that if he loses, he won't go peacefully what alternative to going “peacefully” - “a peaceful transfer of power” does he
have in mind or up his sleeve? Surely nothing unpeaceful? He will call in the National Guard? Any remotely
un-peacefulness or unpeaceableness coming from Trump could damage or permanently
ruin his chances of being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2020.
If what he has in mind is the Supreme Court, then understandably
time is of the essence in appointing a Trump-friendly Judge that should look
favourably on his election petition when and if he loses the mother of all US presidential
There are the upcoming debates to look forward to in which Biden will be comfortable discussing or debating the mishandling of COVID 19 (he would like to call in Bob Woodward as his witness since he can't call on the over 200, 000 dead) the impact of the invisible enemy on the economy, the country that's presently divided and the need for healing - the Foreign Policy debate should also be interesting, Sanctions, the Israel - Sunni Arab economic and military alliance against the Islamic Republic of Iran, the trillions of dollars that the United States owes China, Climate change ...
The Trump campaign has thus far not taken out their big
canons, or their media knives and machetes to cut down Joe Biden to size with charges of corruption (that China
deal which landed his son Hunter with plenty of money) and with some trademark sleaze on the sexual front, knowing as they
know that some of the dirt will stick, won’t go or be washed away or rubbed off
Abortion is also a major
issue and till these are brought to the forefront there is no point in jumping
the gun by already assuming a Biden victory when there are 40 days to go – for all
we know Biden could collapse
tomorrow and then the contest could be between Trump and Kamala
Harris, in which case Kamala could get a lot of sympathy votes but probably not enough to unseat the colossus.
In the meantime, the following factors are mitigating
against a second term for Trump, but it’s still not too late to address them :
His refusal to come out clean by condemning in no uncertain
terms what the whole world sees as police Brutality.
His refusal to say words of comfort as befitting the office
of US president (George Floyd, John Lewis)
His refusal to act the Godly role of healer and uniter, unifier
of his divided nation.
His refusal to address that spectre of Hitler’s Aryan White Supremacy which is currently bedevilling the American polity and he is ostensibly
pandering to it by refusing to condemn it. Why? Does he think that he will then
lose the support of the racist white supremacists?
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